Setting your Intentions for 2021

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Our last podcast episode of the year is here, available to listen to on all major podcast platforms.

Setting your Intentions for 2021! It’s almost the end of 2020 – and what a year it has been!! 2020 has taught us so much about what is the most valuable to us all – health, time, and connection.

Now it is time to close that chapter, to reflect on what the year has taught us and to look ahead to 2021.

Light your candle, grab your journal and feel inspired to set some intentions for yourself and your business in 2021.

Sometimes we need a prompt, or a prod, to make time for ourselves to reflect. To consider. To imagine. To day dream! Why do we need a prod? Because alot of us don’t consider it a “productive use of our time” when “there is always so much to do”. But we’re wrong.

Firstly, I am a huge believer in the Law of Attraction – therefore day dreaming is HUGELY productive in my eyes. Day dreaming will BRING you to your vision!

But secondly, as my last episode talked about, time for YOU is going to gift you MORE time, more energy and more moments in life that you’ll cherish. It is a weird truth and one that you will only believe when you try it for yourself!

So back to your 2021 intentions…. it’s time to set yourself goals for who you want to be when we gather again in 1 year. You have the opportunity to take 365 steps towards your future vision, if you take one step every single day. This episode will guide you on how to take the first step – intention setting!

Do you need another reason?

Think of the planet! When we collectively do something like this, when we work with INTENTION, we raise the vibration of the planet. It is hugely powerful! So be open minded, dive in, and I can’t wait to hear what comes up for you in this episode and what your goals and intentions are!

Thank you so much for your support for The Mortgage Mum Podcast in 2020 – we can’t wait to see what 2021 holds for us all!

Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed this episode please share, review and subscribe!

Sarah Tucker

Founder/MD – The Mortgage Mum

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