Why I love journaling

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Why I love journaling, by Sarah Tucker

Here at The Mortgage Mum we champion so much more than just mortgages! We are a movement. We are real women, not robots, who want to help improve your holistic way of living for a more positive lifestyle all round.

In this post I want to share with you why I love to write in a journal.

Journaling is something I did as a young child without really knowing why or what it was for. Back then it was called ‘my diary’ and then it was just a reflection of what I did everyday. I enjoyed writing and I enjoyed the process. Did any of you write in a diary during your childhood?

Nowadays, journaling is a much more deep and personal experience and I have found it essential for my self development, my well being, and the development and well being of my business and team.

Journaling is something that can be done as often as you want to. There are no rules or regulations. I’m someone who likes a rule and structure in life, and I believe in the power of habits. I journal every single day but there’s lots of different ways of journaling that I might experiment with.

At the moment I write down my wins for the day, my challenges and the lessons I’ve learned.

My days are very chaotic, life is very busy at the moment, especially with the children at home in lock down. Both my husband and I are working so there is naturally a lot going on in my head and journaling helps me to realise that even on my days where I don’t get everything done, I have still achieved some wins during the day. The lessons that I take forward with me are things that I can try to bring to the next day, that ultimately will help to make me a better and happier person.

Journaling can be anything. I sometimes journal to try and manifest things into my life. Sometimes I’ll just write down negative and unsettling feelings that are in my head, to free my head space.

For me, journaling can be where I plan my goals and directions. It is MY space, my personal space to experiment, to try and get down on paper what’s in my head. It works like a filing cabinet, filling thoughts, taking them back out again, organising it and so on. Journaling helps me put matters in their place and store them away for another day. In essence, it helps to clear my mind to focus on other things. It really is that effective for me.

However, it’s not just metaphorically a filing cabinet, it’s a space for me to reflect positively. As I’ve said, I’ve written in a ‘diary’ my whole life, from the hardest moments through to my greatest achievements, including my stint on The Voice UK, becoming a mother and starting my business.

Those milestones and precious moments are so treasured to me, and those chapters I’ve recorded help me grow, change, evolve, tune in, and self reflect for the better.

It’s unbelievably rare that we ask ourselves how we are. “How are YOU? How are you ACTUALLY doing? What’s going on with you? Are you okay?”

Journaling is this. It’s giving myself the time and space I need to listen to my mind, body and soul. To help me become happier, healthier and more successful in all areas of my life.

Give it go! Pick up a notepad and see where your pen takes you. It could be your personal values, a story, a real life event, your vision, your feelings. Try it for a week and let me know how you feel by the end of it. Find out more about my journaling experience in the video below.

Sarah x